Publisher: NCsoft
Developer: NetDevil
Genre: MMOG / Racing
Single Player: No
Multiplayer: Internet / Yes
Recommended GPU: GeForce 6 Series
Release Date: TBD
ESRB Rating: Teen Official Website
Auto Assault was a Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) that combined vehicular combat with role-playing elements. You could have explored a Post-Apocalyptic future in customizable cars, motorcycles, semis, and even tanks. A place where three surviving factions: Humans, Mutants, and Biomeks battle each other for control of the world, using tricked out vehicles as their primary weapons.
The sad thing is: This MMOG closed on the 01.09.2007 at 3:30 am (GMT -1 zone)
But I promise u I´ll keep it alive in our minds, cause I loved this game as much as you all...
Now a few movies I build myself...thx to NCsoft and Netdevil for this game and all its components, thx to all Rockstars (especially Linkin Parc with "In the end"-My homepage track) and Techno-DJs for their great music and Richard Deckard for the Auto Assault Tracks and thx to Fraps the great ingame movie capture program, also big thx to "Homepage-Baukasten" and "Master_Tolli" who helped me with this page.
My Homepage is ready-build at its main...but latest news if there will appear some about AA and latest news about Tabula Rasa will follow, also your pictures and videos are welcome on my homepage and little things like grafics and sounds will be changed during the next weeks...I hope I build an interesting remember page for all Auto Assault maniacs!? Please let me know that in my guest book. (2007/09/16)
Latest Update (in about Evil) on 2007/11/18 04:30 pm GMT -1 (the Event Movie is during action and ready in this year-I´ll promise!)